We create cloud space to increase your level of freedom


Author: GigaCloud


We published the manifesto on our YouTube channel GigaCloud About to make entrepreneurs look at their business plans from a different perspective and turn to digital tools in their operations. These principles will give them the opportunity to flexibly adapt to today's reality and work more efficiently.

This video features the GIGAGROUP co-founders: Oleg Polishchuk, Nazarii Kurochko and Anton Khvastunov; as well as the GigaCloud top managers: CEO Artem Kokhanevich, CTO Kyrylo Naumenko; and also other members of the cloud operator team.

“The idea is to show that the world has irreversibly turned towards digitalization in 2020, says Anton Khvastunov, the co-founder of GigaCloud and host of the GigaCloud About channel. The business faced with a choice – to master the digital domain or lose relevance. The time has come not just to transfer critical business services online, but also to build a new business strategy based on digital technologies.”

Business digitalization is closely related to cloud technologies. For four years, we have been helping companies abandon ineffective ways of managing business processes, quickly launch and wind down projects, securely store data, and free up resources for development. As a result, we crystallized a new vision for our mission, which was reflected in the manifesto.

“We are creating a cloud space to increase your level of freedom”, says Artem Kokhanevich, GigaCloud CEO.

Content marketing has become the cornerstone of GigaCloud's updated business strategy. For its implementation, in September 2019, the cloud operator team created and began developing the YouTube channel GigaCloud About, right where the manifesto is published.

“Now there are about 800,000 different legal entities in Ukraine. Only a few thousand of them have placed their infrastructure in the clouds, says Anton Khvastunov. Many companies simply do not know what the cloud is, what its benefits are, and how it will help meet their business tasks. Therefore, we decided to educate the market and tell people about the benefits of cloud technologies. And video content is one of the most convenient ways to make it more interesting and visualized.”


